Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Christmas summary! Resumen de Navidad!

Tengo el blog bastante abandonado desde que he vuelto al trabajo ya no tengo tanto tiempo para ponerme a escribir, por las noches estoy algo más cansada y nunca veo el momento de actualizar este blog. Hemos pasado el mes de Diciembre y el de Enero y hemos hecho muchas cosas, nos hubiera gustado hacer muchas más pero todo llegará. En Diciembre tuvimos el cumpleaños de Marco en su casa y tanto Nicolas como Alec se lo pasaron bomba!!! de esto no tengo foto pero seguro que se vais al blog de Nuria podeis ver alguna. Su blog es Despues llegaron las vacaciones de Navidad y se puso Alec muy malito con gastroenteritis, esto ha sido lo peor de estos dos meses, no paraba de vomitar y de tener diarrea y aunque lo hidratábamos con suero al final tambien vomitaba esto, con lo cual tuvo que ser ingresado en el hospital para que no se deshidratara. Estuvo alli dos días, hasta la noche de nochebuena que pudimos, menos mal, pasarla con la familia. Forgeting this bad episode we had many days of fun after that. The happiness when you see your kids faces open up the Christmas presents or looking at the Three Wise Men in the parade makes us forget about the bad times!!!! We also spend one day in the Christmas Carnival called ExpoNadal and they loved it!!!

We had the typical meals with the family although we missed a lot the other half of the family (on Tracy´s side) At least we got to talk to Brett on his birthday for a long time and it was cool because we talked to him when Tracy was driving and we all could hear him and talk. It was just like if he was hanging out in the car with us!!!

New Years Eve!!!! We stayed home with the kids, uncle David came for dinner and uncle Hector came right before midnight to share the tradition with us, eating the twelve grapes at midnight. Nicolas was so excited I could not believe he was going to make it to that time and he did. I tried to get drunk during dinner but it didnt work, I guess I ate too much!!!!!!!!! just joking. After the grapes we danced for a little bit, we got a phone call from Loreto, Emilio, Nuria and Kike and their kids and Nicolas got to say Happy New Year at 1 am, to his little friends isnt´t it crazy? right after that he passed out! Pongo una foto de Nicolas conmigo bailando con los gorritos y otra de los abuelos que pasaron antes de la cena para traernos calamares rellenos de carne!!! esta abuela es una caña, no tiene solución. El caso es que se iban de marcha y antes pararon por casa. Pongo una foto de ellos porque se merecen "everything" por todo lo que hacen por nosotros y por sus nietos. Sois los mejores!!!!!!!!!!!

Por último no quiero olvidarme del concierto de Estefanía, Matt is working, promoting her as a new singer, she is very young and she has a great voice. We went to El Gran Teatro at Elche to see this Christmas concert on the 4th of January, we left Alec with abu and abuela and we took Nicolas with us. He had no clue what a concert was like and he enjoyed it!! He said his favorite part was when Santa Claus came on stage with a bunch of kids!!!

I also turned 38 this Christmas!!! but I will post this in the next entry since we got to go out for dinner with our friends WITHOUT KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We usually celebrate my birthday together with Alicias and Mavi´s birthday, since our birthdays are in January. it was a shame though that not every body made it to come wiht us for dinner. Eli and Christian, Loreto and Emilio and Matt and Nuria couldn´t make it . Hopefully next year!

cumple de alec en casa de los abuelos

cumple de alec en casa de los abuelos
Alec first birthday! Nicolas helps him to blow the candles!This was back in June.